Principal's Welcome

Welcome to the website of Corpus Christi National School. I hope that you will enjoy reading about our school and that the website will provide you with a flavour of the work and the sense of purpose in the school. The school has been welcoming and educating the children of the area since it first opened in 1931. Corpus Christi is a Primary school with a Catholic ethos. Corpus Christi is a school “where we strive to learn together in a happy and safe environment where everyone is valued, respected and encouraged to do their best”.
We take our mission statement very seriously and strive to make this an inclusive school where the pupils are nurtured and will flourish in all aspects of their development.
Corpus Christi is a happy, friendly and busy school with lots going on. If you don’t find the information for which you are looking, please feel free to contact us directly with any queries.
Niamh Greene
March/April 2025

We have had a very busy term so far in Corpus Christi.
Term two has been jampacked with learning and fun in all classes. We are delighted that spring has sprung and the weather has meant that lots of our classes have enjoyed outdoor learning activities. Well done to all of the boys and girls on a great term of work so far. Special mention to our 5th classes who participated in the RDS Science Blast Exhibition. Well done to all of our classes on an excellent World Book Day extravaganza, with costumes, quizes and hundreds of books being read. Some of our classes have gone on educational trips to Glasnevin Cemmetry and Henrietta Street. We also celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge and had a great week. Bhí sé lán le ceoil, craic agus caint as Gaeilge. Our classes have also had some STEM visitors to talk about aviation and coding... Corpus Christi is a hive of learning this term.
We wish our 6th classes well as they make their Confirmation at the beginning of April, we hope the sun shines and they have a special day celebrating with their families.
Admissions for Junior Infants 25-26 are being processed, we will offer any remaining places in accordance with the Admissions Policy. Please follow this link to complete the online application form to be placed on the waiting list for Junior Infants 25-26.
Kind regards,
Ms Greene